Mar 17, 2018 (All day)Deadline: Friday, March 9, 2018Link: Register NowCost: $45 - $55Location: Oasis Conference Center, 902 Loveland-Miamiville Road, Loveland, OH 45140Website: Ohio Woodland Stewards detailed presentation descriptions Attachments: 2018 ORV Flyer.pdfContact: Ohio Woodland
2018 Ohio River Valley Woodland and Wildlife Workshop Saturday, March 17th at the Oasis Conference Center, 902 Loveland-Miamiville Rd, Loveland, OH 45140 Speakers from Ohio, Kentucky and Indiana will offer information packed sessions for interested landowners. Early Registration - $45 (register before 2/28/2018) Registration after 2/28/2018 - $55 Final Day to Register: March 9, 2018