Feb 24, 2018 (All day)Deadline: Wednesday, February 14, 2018Link: Register NowCost: $30-$15 based on age and membershipLocation: Grange Insurance Audubon Center 505 W. Whittier Street Columbus, OH 43215 Website: 2018 OBS ConferenceAttachments: 2018-Registration-OBS.pdf
Bluebirding 101 Native Woodland Species Prothonotary Warblers and American Kestrels Awards, Displays, Silent Auction and more! Fee is $30/non-OBS member, $25/OBS member, or $15/student 12 & under and includes choice of boxed lunch. Featured Speakers: Jim McCormac(OH)- Naturalist, Author, Retired from ODNR Keith Kridler(TX)- Co-Founder of Texas Bluebird Society and author of "The Bluebird Monitor's Guide" Bet Zimmerman(CT)- North American Bluebird Society and Recipient of Award-winning Website, www.sialis.org