Citizen Science White Oak Improvement Project recording now available

Oct 21, 2020 through Dec 31, 2020, 12:00am - 12:00pm
Oak Acorns

The recording from Thursday, October 8, Taking Flight with Community Science: White Oak Acorn Collecting Zoom presentation is now available and can be watched at this link:

There are some additional resources on the white oak webinar at the site above.  This series and similar virtual education on community science can count toward either volunteer service or continuing education for OCVN certification. 

Description: White oak acorn collections are needed from every state from Texas to Minnesota and east to the Atlantic Ocean for a large scale tree improvement project. Community scientists are helping in this effort in almost every state.   Dr. Laura E. DeWald describes the ecological significance of white oaks and current threats to the species.  You will learn how to identify the species, life cycle ecology basics, and how to participate in a community science effort to improve tree quality.    

Presenter Info:

Dr. Laura E. DeWald, Adjunct Professor and Tree Improvement Specialist, Forestry and Natural Resources, University of Kentucky 

Resources:  2020 Acorn Collecting Instructions     

2020 Project Summary for Acorn Collectors

White Oak Genetics and Tree Improvement Program   

TreeSnap app