A Day in the Woods Series 'Assessing the Health of Your Woods'

It’s not too late to sign up for tomorrow’s  “A DAY in the WOODS” program “Assessing the Health of Your Woods” with guest presenter Ellen Crocker, PhD, the  Forest Health Specialist from University of Kentucky Extension. 

Don’t miss this great opportunity to learn about some of forest the heath issues facing Ohio Woodland owners, as well as,  and a new interactive phone app (HealthyWoods) designed to help woodland owners assess their woods.  We’ve also got some fun and interactive activates planned using Kahoot and MentiMeter

Click here for more details and to register: https://u.osu.edu/apsley.1/2021/06/14/registraiton-is-now-open-for-assessing-the-health-of-your-woods-july-9-virtual-program/

David Apsley
Natural Resources Specialist
College of Food, Agriculture and Environmental Sciences Ohio State University Extension
17 Standpipe Road, Jackson, OH 45640
740-710-3009 Mobile
