How Glaciers Shaped Ashtabula County

Aug 23, 2018, 7:00pm - 8:00pm
3973 Callender Road, Rock Creek, Ohio 44084
440-563-3081 xtn: 301

A glacier is the reason why the rivers in Ashtabula County flow the way they do.  Join Dr. James K. Bissell, Curator of Botany and Director of Natural Areas, Cleveland Museum of Natural History, as he describes the impact of glaciers on Ashtabula County's landscape.

Refreshments following.  All ages welcome. Open to the public.

Cleveland Museum of Natural History Natural Areas

On Saturday, October 21, 2017, the Nature Conservancy opened the Dr. James K. Bissell Nature Center in Morgan Township, Ashtabula County. Named in honor of the Museum’s long-serving Curator of Botany and Director of Natural Areas, Dr. Jim Bissell.
The new nature center is located at the Morgan Swamp Preserve on the Grand River conservation campus, and features exhibits depicting the natural history of the 2,000 acre swamp preserve and surrounding Grand River area.
The nature center was dedicated in honor of Bissell’s lifelong work in discovering, preserving and championing biodiversity in Ohio and throughout the Great Lakes region, including Morgan Swamp and the Grand River. Work done by Bissell and the Museum aided in the establishment of the preserve at Morgan Swamp and its protection by the Land Conservancy beginning in 1985.