Integrated Monarch Monitoring Program - Troy, OH

Monarch Butterfly on Thistle- USFWS Digital Library

Thank you for your continued support and interest in the Integrated Monarch Monitoring Program as this program grows. We're excited to announce three Ohio training workshops now open for the public. Please share widely! You can also share our Facebook events, click here.

The Monarch Joint Venture is helping implement a nationwide initiative to monitor monarch populations and habitat throughout the species' breeding range. This initiative draws from successful citizen science programs, and emphasizes large, randomly selected sites to obtain a more accurate assessment of potential monarch habitat. Citizen scientists, conservation staff, and researchers are all vital to this effort and are invited to attend a nearby training workshop to learn the protocol and be connected with a priority monitoring site (view map here). Participants may also select their own sites, such as a conservation land where they volunteer. Registration is open for workshops in Kirtland (April 27), and Logan (May 4) as well. 

- Full Day, $25. Includes lunch, snacks and training materials. Learn monarch biology, IMMP protocols, and practice in the field. 9:30 - 3:30. Monitoring kits are available for an additional cost through Monarch Joint Venture.  Space is limited.  Register by April 8.

Everyone is welcome to join us for our Train-the-Trainer session, 3:30-4:30pm, in Kirtland or Logan to learn how to take on a leadership role for the IMMP!

Need-based scholarships may be available or for more information, contact .