Ohio Certified Volunteer Naturalist (OCVN) Fall 2024 Course Franklin County

Registration Opens August 8!  

The School of Environment and Natural Resources in partnership with the Franklin County Metro Parks and OSU Extension in Franklin County will host a OCVN course in September.  Course sessions will be held at the OSU main campus and Franklin County Metro Parks.  Where possible live zooms will be made available when this is not possible there will be a recording available of the same or similar content.  This course will help you build your knowledge of Ohio’s diverse ecology and natural resources, education techniques, field identification skills, and ability to participate in community science and land stewardship.  Session instructors include faculty and staff of The Ohio State University, Franklin County Metro Parks, and guest experts.    The mission of the OCVN program is to raise awareness of Ohio’s environment through science-based education and community service. Following the course Ohio Certified Volunteer Naturalists record 40 hours of service and/or continuing education to receive their certification.  https://ocvn.osu.edu/about-ocvn

Format: Hybrid (online and Face to Face) you can also participate fully online. 


  • Course requires use of OSU’s Scarlet Canvas online course management system
  • Be 18 years old or older;
  • Complete a short presentation; (optional) homework, and quizzes;
  • Face to face educational sessions will sometimes involve optional field activities that involve walking on even and sometimes uneven surfaces and a variety of weather conditions.  If you have questions about the activity level of the course and how we can help you participate please contact Anne Baird at baird.41@osu.edu or 614-292-8603 prior to registering.


Thursday, September 5: Geology 5:30 – 8:00 PM

Saturday, September 7: Geology Field Day 9:30 AM – 4:00 PM

Thursday, September 19: Becoming a 21st Naturalist/Environmental Education and Interpretation 5:30 – 8:00 PM

Tuesday, September 24: Plants and Insects 5:30—8:00 PM

Thursday, Sept 26: Birds 5:30—8:00 PM

Thursday, October 3: Soils 5:30—8:00 PM 

Thursday, October 10: Climate and Weather 10:00—3:00 PM

Tuesday, October 15: Water Resources (Hydrology) 12:00—1:30 PM (Zoom Only)

Thursday October 17: Water Resources (Aquatic Ecology) 5:30—7:30 PM (Zoom Only)

Thursday November 7: Mammals 4:00—7:30 PM 

Tuesday November 12: Forests 5:30 - 7:30 PM (Zoom Only)

Thursday November 14: Amphibians and Reptiles 5:00 - 7:30 PM 

Tuesday November 19: Capstone presentations 5:30—8:00 PM