Webinars for online continuing education
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North Central Regional Water Network
This is a Network of 17 University Extension organizations including OSU Extension in the North Central Region led by University of Wisconsin. Some of their webinars may be of interest with topics including nutrient management, soil health, citizen water quality monitoring, and aquatic invasive species. There are also a few on farmer involvement in water quality and watershed management. http://northcentralwater.org/mediaarchive/
Ohio Watershed Network
We have podcasts and webinars on research and policy related to streams and watersheds in Ohio. Here’s a link to a new one on research on ag headwater streams and stream life: http://ohiowatersheds.osu.edu/resources/stream-systems/forest-fragments-and-headwater-streams-agricultural-watersheds
If you haven’t caught the Changing Climate webinar series led by Ohio Sea Grant you may want to check this out. These are one hour webinars on climate change and a variety of topics including ecosystems and water resources all or almost all based on research coming out of Ohio and the Great Lakes region. http://changingclimate.osu.edu/webinars/archives/2
The page listed above has one hour webinars on climate change and forests, harmful algal blooms in Maumee bay, great lakes as carbon sinks, and wildlife.
The link below takes you to an archived list of informative webinars presented by the US Fish and Wildlife Service. Some may be suitable for OCVN advanced education hours. All are very interesting and full of good ideas as they present the results and lessons learned from research projects in the field. http://nctc.fws.gov/topic/online-training/webinars/restoration.html