Jefferson and Harrison County OCVNs Receive Their Certificates

Sep. 20, 2023

The newest OCVN course just wrapped up Sept. 14 in Jefferson and Harrison counties.  This exciting course in Eastern Ohio featured  unique natural habitats along the Ohio river and explored both natural and cultural history.  The course led by OSU Extension Educator Erika Lyon and included the following regional highlights:

  • Plants of eastern Ohio;
  • A geology and archeology hike up Mt. Nebo in Toronto led by John Boilegh with ODNR Division of Mineral Resources.   Participants explored rocky outcrops along the Ohio River and discussed the history of Brown's Island;
  • Jennifer White from the Portage Park District led a bird watching tour and discussed Ohio's birds at Sally Buffalo Park in Cadiz; and
  • The course concluded with a session devoted to weather, climate and star gazing.   

Congratulations to Erika and all the participants! For more information on this course see: or contact Erika at