
Search results

  1. Harvesting and Reproduction Methods for Ohio Forests

    method. From an ecological perspective, the predominant tree species present or desired in a forest is ... the natural topography designing irregular-shaped areas in a range of sizes, up to some acceptable ... cuts spaced over several years (Figure 2). The major ecological objective of a shelterwood is to create ...

  2. Managing Stress with Diet

    Education and Human Ecology, The Ohio State University Maryan Dualle, Graduate Research Associate, College ... of Education and Human Ecology, The Ohio State University Irene E. Hatsu, Associate Professor, ... College of Education and Human Ecology, Ohio State University Extension Managing stress is a crucial part ...

  3. Returned Peace Corps volunteers from central Ohio joined OSU’s campus Peace Corps recruiter on a beautiful October day to participate in the OSU Homecoming Parade

    Corps. Connect with Valerie to explore opportunities in the Peace Corps. Her contact information, office ...

  4. Adventures at the 2024 Tri-Societies Meeting

    Lindsey, and Taylor Dill. Visiting Fellow, Mohsen Shahrokhi,  served as a Judge for Crop Ecology ... the 5 Minute Rapid Talks on Crop Ecology, Management and Quality. Additional Presentations: Cover ...

  5. Controlling Undesirable Trees, Shrubs, and Vines in Your Woodland

    see Table 1), and take longer to be effective than methods that incorporate herbicides into the ...

  6. HCS Alumni Spotlight: Annie Glaser

    the Landscape Architect track at OSU but after taking some classes with Peg McMahon I quickly realized ... experience, I was able to prepare for the future by shaping my expectations of work-life balance. The ... take some time to adjust our production and growing plans accordingly.  The thing I always look forward ...

  7. Food Preservation: Canning Meat, Poultry, and Game

    high-quality pork fat to 3 or 4 parts venison before grinding. Shape the chopped meat into patties or balls or ... shaping. Remove excess fat and fill jars. Add boiling meat broth, tomato juice, or water, leaving 1 inch of ...

  8. Class Spotlight: HCS 3100

    seasonality of management activities, and the fundamentals of nutrient + pest management. Take a look into the ...

  9. Food Preservation: Making and Preserving Sauerkraut

    Fermentation takes three to six weeks depending on the air temperature. During this time, the acidity in the ... large), shape (round, flat, conical, and variations), density, and color (green, blue-green, or red), as ... fermentation process may take five to six weeks. If the temperature is above 75 F, the sauerkraut may become ...

  10. Food Preservation: Freezing Meat, Poultry, and Game

    compact and square a shape as possible for better stacking in the freezer. Follow the freezer-packaging ...
