
Search results

  1. Introduction to Urban Extension

    address the city's most pressing issues. Sometimes, Extension takes the lead and other times, ...

  2. Manita Thapa

    startups and agribusiness expansion. Her role in connecting farmers to markets and ensuring access to ...

  3. Visit Us

    resources. Take a 60-minute tour of the CFAES campus with a college ambassador. CFAES Personalized Visits ... lunch with them in a Dining Services location. Connect with faculty and staff in your academic interest ... of the planning it takes to create a personalized visit for you, visits must be scheduled two weeks ...

  4. Teacher Licensure Instructions

    a confirmation letter is sent to the College of Education and Human Ecology for signature and then forwarded to ... the ODE.  Once your confirmation letter has left Dr. Filson’s office, it generally takes six to eight ...

  5. 2023 Food Kindness

    connecting with The Ohio State University (OSU) and local OSU Extension teams for food kindness. Food Packing ... county. Addressing food security throughout the year takes an entire community. Champions spreading ...

  6. Spring Semester Commencement

    education Kaylee Meyer, community leadership  Patrick Miller, agriscience education Kendall Moore, community ...

  7. Doctoral Dissertations

    Amy R. Beaudreault advised by Larry E. Miller Methamphetamine in the United States: perceptions and ... sessions Lucinda Berry Miller advised by Joseph A. Gliem Ohio 4-H PetPALS and companion animal 4-H ... motivation Kattlyn Jean Wolf advised by Larry E. Miller Agricultural education teacher self-efficacy: ...

  8. Volk presents research at James B. Beam Institute Industry Conference

    "Agriculture Distilled: Enhancing authenticity through integrated agricultural connections." Taking place ...

  9. Honors and Research

    classroom experience. By taking advantage of The Ohio State University’s vast research opportunities, you ...

  10. Home

    urban-suburban-rural interdependencies. Strengthening Connections Along the Urban-Rural Continuum, Strengthens Ohio ... Serving, Carnegie Engaged University, Ohio State addresses Ohio’s urban influence and connections along the ... urban-rural continuum.  For more information, take a look at this page for stories about urban Extension in ...
