
Search results

  1. DEI Faculty and Staff Spotlight: Dr. Monica Giusti

    experience and perspective to the table. And the number of solutions we can bring is always shaped by them. ... for others that came after me. I grew up thinking I had to take opportunities when they were given to ...

  2. Recording of Employee Assistance Program Information Session Now Available

    be connected for a session, please call their toll free number at 800-678-6265 or email them at ...

  3. Citizen Science White Oak Improvement Project recording now available

    The recording from Thursday, October 8, Taking Flight with Community Science: White Oak Acorn ... scientists are helping in this effort in almost every state.   Dr. Laura E. DeWald describes the ecological ... life cycle ecology basics, and how to participate in a community science effort to improve tree ...

  4. Racial Healing Through Agricultural History- Panel Discussion

    Ecological Food and Farming Association (OEFFA). Join us as we discuss the historic racial trauma of ...

  5. What Honey Bees Can Teach Us About Shaping Social Change

    living and working in the US. They Keep Bees connects humans and honey bees in a cooperative learning ...

  6. Educator's Week Registration extended

    and restorative time! Educators’ Week will take place wherever you are starting on Sunday afternoon, ... formal and non-formal educators. It has consistently been a place of rejuvenation and connections, both ...

  7. Caterpillars Count!

    can be easily carried out at: Nature and environmental education centers Parks and botanical gardens ...

  8. CFAES Students and Staff Members Attend 35th National MANRRS Conference

    connections with a host of professionals in the industry. They also found occasions to discuss ideas to get ...

  9. DEI Student Spotlight: Amber Cleggett

    as a member of the CFAES community have helped shape you as a person?  I had the opportunity to ...

  10. DEI Student Spotlight: Amber Cleggett

    as a member of the CFAES community have helped shape you as a person?  I had the opportunity to ...
