
Search results

  1. Small Ruminant Parasite Management and FAMACHA Training

    May 21 st from 9:30 am to 1:30 pm.  The workshop will take place on the Leroy Kuhns farm located at ...

  2. Ohio Local Foods Week

    surrounding counties.  Take some time to have a conversation with a farmer and learn more about what it takes ... production in particular.  I hope you take some time this week to make a meal of local food and appreciate ...

  3. Canning Preparation

    on your range and how quickly the pressure rises in the canner.  *Take inventory of how much food you ...

  4. Summer 4-H Projects And Activities Engage Youth In Experiential Learning

    Animal, and Gardening Project Judging will take place on August 11 th at the Wayne County Fairgrounds. In ...

  5. Plan Now for Frost Seeding Renovation

    will be necessary to do either a quick “flash” grazing pass to take off the top of the grass plants and ...

  6. Shopping and Our Spending Habits

    a family member to take over the credit cards and finances. Seeing a therapist. Cognitive behavioral ...

  7. Forage Harvest Guidelines

    in plastic to exclude oxygen and allow ensilingbto take place.  Some guidelines to pay attention to ... horizontal silo and letting the fermentation process take place.  The benefits are that once again some leaf ...

  8. 4-H News and Notes: April 17, 2017

    April 24th! For any 4-H member taking a sewing project is recommended that you attend the Open House ...

  9. Policy Changes in the Dairy Margin Protection Program

    fertilizer applicator certification is to take an Ohio Department of Agriculture (ODA) supervised exam.  Go ...

  10. What Will You Do With Your Tax Return?

    year.  During the month of February I’d like to take a look at how your financial goals will help you ...
