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  1. Ohio State Research Shows Substantial Link Between State-level Renewable Energy Portfolio Standards and Reduced Carbon Emissions

    product-- and energy prices. Carbon intensity reflects an economy’s reliance on carbon-based energy, taking ...

  2. AEDE’s C. William Swank Program Hosts Advisory Council Meeting Focused on Workforce Development

    meeting focused on trends in workforce development and skills, taking a look at recent Ohio and national ...

  3. Swank Program Piece in The Conversation: How Should the U.S. Government Help Coal Communities?

    takes steps to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. In response to coal’s uncertain future, last year the ...

  4. Submitted Abstracts

      Residential Sorting and Public Parks: The Effect of Amenities on Open Space Value  Mitch Livy The Ohio State ...

  5. Ohio State Named National Champion in Environmental March Madness Tournament

    All students in the major take two courses in each of the four specialization areas and then choose ...

  6. Public Speaking and 4-H

    speaking skills.  The next time you go to church or dinner with your family take note of how many teens are ...

  7. Crop Input Outlook 2013 from Barry Ward

    price, future movements in nitrogen prices will more than likely take their cues from movements in price ...

  8. Time to Think about Planting Peas

    the center.  Leave 18 inches between each double row.  Depending on the temperature, it may take nine ...

  9. What’s the Value of an Agricultural Economics Degree? The Answer: a 98.7% Chance that You’ll have a Job after Graduation

    author, Anthony P. Carnevale, “The bottom line is that getting a degree matters, but what you take matters ...

  10. Ag Degrees in Demand: Ohio State University Agricultural Graduates Report Positive Job Outlook

    the degrees I’m earning from Ohio State and the internships I’ve had, I was able to take the time to ...
