
Search results

  1. Procrastination

    and take time to choose one task a day to tackle.  Consider making a list for children to choose from ...

  2. Be Prepared To Scout For Black Cutworm And Armyworm Damage

    protection, take a look at this handy Bt trait table developed by Dr. Chris DiFonzo at Michigan State: ...

  3. Know Risk Factors for Forage Cyanide Poisoning

    usually takes 5 to 7 days.  Since cyanide is a gas, it will have volatilized and dissipated from dead ...

  4. What does your family emergency plan look like?

    family.  Proper planning is critical if a severe weather emergency takes place.  Have a well-stocked ... is a possibility that it could take hours or days for help to reach you.  Consider the following ... physical condition, activity, diet and climate. To determine your water needs, take the following into ...

  5. Wayne County Dairy Farm Manure Storage Survey

    front and back) and should take most farms no more than 10 to 15 minutes to complete.  The survey will ... Dairy farmers are encouraged by survey project partners to take the time to fill out the survey and mail ...

  6. Holiday Budget

    we’ve been talking about getting a handle on our money flow, really taking a look at the money in and ...

  7. Applying the 4 R's to Winter Hay Feeding

    did it sit for two weeks and collect rain or floodwater first? When you take that forage sample, do ...

  8. Be Alert for Palmer Amaranth

     Call me at the Wayne County Extension office (330-264-8722) or connect with others who can assist in ...

  9. Annual Thanksgiving Dinner

    24, in the Ohio Union. Seating for the dinner will take place at 11:45 a.m. and 2 p.m., and all guests ...

  10. 2017 Junior Fair Schedule Finalized

    schedule. Lastly, one other change is that the Junior Fair Coronation Ceremony will now take place on ...
