
Search results

  1. 'The Science of Chocolate' and more: 4-H Science Saturdays start soon

    animals to health. The program is organized by Ohio 4-H Youth Development in CFAES, but attendees connect ...

  2. What Scientists have to do with Food Security

    this day across the globe people take part in food drives, hunger walks, and awareness campaigns to ...

  3. Slow Cooker Class- Tuesday Morning Series

    Come learn about slow cooker basics, budgeting and nutrition.  Sample some recipes and take a few ...

  4. Chow Line: Food Safety Hotline Provides Answers to Consumers' Food Questions

    answer, they will take the caller’s contact information, research the correct answer and call back with ...

  5. Study Abroad: Australia/New Zealand/Antarctica Information Session

    week programs that are during May Session and the two week Antarctica program will take place in ...

  6. South Africa: Study Abroad Information Session

    well and work with experienced guides.  This program will take students on a 17 day program during May ...

  7. Slow Cooker Class- Tuesday Evening Series

    Come learn about slow cooker basics, budgeting and nutrition.  Sample some recipes and take a few ...

  8. Who to trust for the truth about food

    director of corporate communications for Ohio Farm Bureau. “Don’t take a possibility and make it ... critiques medical and health news stories. It takes time and energy to understand science, and journalists ...

  9. Agribusiness Club Meeting

    a scholarship for AEDE undergraduate students. Agribusiness Club members also take an annual trip within the ...

  10. Agribusiness Club Meeting

    a scholarship for AEDE undergraduate students. Agribusiness Club members also take an annual trip within the ...
