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CFAES Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Webinars
Register today for an upcoming webinar! This link will take you to the full D E I speaker schedule ...
Inclusive and Equitable Hiring Practices
Learn more Click on this button and it will take you to the webpage to learn more about this ...
A Message from Vice Provost James L. Moore III
that you are taking advantage of the recent warm weather to shake off the winter and rejuvenate your ...
DEI Faculty and Staff Spotlight: Dr. Melvin Pascall
that I take full responsibility for the creation of this atmosphere. A failure to do this means that ... in Columbus to recruit minority students to OSU (e.g. Welcome Center High, Woodward Park Middle, and ...
A Message from Dr. Cathann Kress to the CFAES Community
do, and what actions we should take. I encourage you to engage with your respective representatives to ... convening our college leadership to discuss actions that we can take to be better leaders around these ... taking other actions. This will continue. We are a community based on solving problems, a community that ...
4th Annual Diversity in STEMM at Ohio State Meeting to Take Place on Thursday, May 7th
in the 4th Annual Diversity in STEMM at Ohio State meeting. This meeting will take place over Zoom ...
2021 CFAES Day of Racial Healing
Day started in 2017 and takes place annually on the Tuesday following Martin Luther King Day. Join us ...
Undergraduate Business Women's Association to Host "Men as Allies" Dinner
Corporate Finance at Worthington Industries). This event will take place at the Fawcett Center in ...
A Message from Dr. Cathann Kress
week’s events – sadness, confusion, hurt, and anger. I want to ensure we are taking care of each other ... leaders. The next generation will take on these issues that have bedeviled us and build on the work that ...
Registration Now Open for Gardening with Physical Limitations Webinar
take palce on Thurday, April 9th from 11:00am-12:00pm EST and is open to those within and outside the ...