
Search results

  1. Open House with Kathy Lechman, new CFAES Assistant Dean and Director, Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion

    There are several upcoming open houses with Kathy Lechman, the new CFAES Assistant Dean and Director, Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion. Faculty, staff, and students who would like to engage with Dr. Lechman are encouraged to sign up for one of the session ...

  2. Parents, Find Your Oxygen Mask

    When sitting on an airplane waiting for take-off, have you ever put much thought into why flight ... the adult must take the steps to care for themselves first.  Without taking care of yourself, it is ... difficult to be able to be helpful to your child travelling with you.  It’s easy to see this connection ...

  3. Extension Office Telework Arrangements Update

    preparation for returning to the office the week of Jan 18 (Monday is a holiday). Continue to take into ...

  4. Graduate Student Support Group

    take place on both the Columbus and Wooster campuses. Please direct all inquiries for the Columbus ...

  5. Diversity and Dialogue Series: Black Lives Matter Movement

    explore and provide a better understanding of the Black Lives Matter Movement and how it has shaped the ...

  6. New Faculty Searches

    Phytobacteriology (Wooster) Emerging Infectious Disease Ecology, Discovery Themes Initiative ...

  7. Send S’more Kids to 4-H Camp – Help Promote in Your County

    Please continue to help promote the 4-H Camp Buckeye Funder campaign that runs through June 24. This is a fundraiser for all of our Ohio 4-H camp affiliates. ...

  8. Miller lab intro

    WELCOME TO THE MILLER LAB! Welcome to the Vegetable Pathology Laboratory in the department of ... University. On this site you will find information on Dr. Sally Miller and her research and extension ... nematode diseases of fresh and processing vegetables. The Miller lab develops management strategies for ...

  9. Creating Lasting Family Connections Training

    Prevention Action Alliance is hosting two  Creating Lasting Family Connections (CLFC)  trainings ...

  10. myPostdoc Monthly: Did They Really Just Say That?! Responding to Bias at Work

    know how to take action in that awkward moment—especially if we are not sure whether the person making ... oppression, we must be empowered to take action in these moments when bias manifests so that we can create ...
