
Search results

  1. DEADLINE: Foreign Language & Area Studies Fellowship Application

    Undergraduate, Graduate, and Professional Students: The FLAS Fellowship Competition takes place ...

  2. IPM Standard

    manager should work with the customer to develop an approach that takes into consideration not just ...

  3. Tanzanian Women Seek to Shape the Next Generation of Extension Agents

    conferencing are tools that extension agents at Ohio State already use extensively to connect with various ...

  4. Tour the Solar House

    State students and/or take a walk around the 3-acre research lake in Chadwick Arboretum North. The ...

  5. DEADLINE: Application for International Affairs Academic Enrichment Grants

    in a regional context Connect discipline-specific research to the implementation of projects and ...

  6. Ohio State Alumni Association Supports Sokoine University of Agriculture’s Drive to Build Stronger Alumni Relations

    Mr. Gurd. He explained how  the iAGRI team has been proactive in gathering data and taking steps to ... which SUA students can connect with experts in their field, explore job opportunities, and forge lasting ...

  7. Trellis Entrance

    Located near the northwest corner of the Agriculture Administration Building's parking lot, ...

  8. CFAES hosts Ethiopian visitors as part of the One Health Initiative

    given a tour through the lab of Dr. Richard Dick, Professor of Soil Microbial Ecology in the School of ...

  9. Holiday 2-for-1 Offer

      To take advantage of this offer, click on the holiday 2-for-1 form at the right, print the form, and ...

  10. International Visitor Blog

    diagnostic techniques in Plant Pathology Laboratories under Prof. Sally Miller. At MCIC I learned several ...
