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The Ohio Sensitive Crop Registry
located could be helpful in planning spray applications and taking precautions with buffer strips. The ...
Export Assistance Network connects Turkish buyers with wood products manufacturers
By Kelly O’Bryant SBDC Export Assistance In 2017, hardwood lumber exports in the United States was a $2.3 billion market, according to USDA FAS. That same report shows that the total U.S. export market for hardwood logs was $717.9 million. A majority of U ...
Prevent Grass Tetany
that means looking ahead to spring pasture management. One aspect that must be considered is taking ...
LOCATION: The event will take place at the Wooster location. HOST: Hosting the event will ...
Good Agriculture Practices/Water Quality And Testing Workshops
Laboratory, and take-home materials to prepare for successful water sample collection. For more information ...
Enjoy Outdoor Cooking Safely
your favorite outdoor activity might be, if you take food along, a few extra precautions will make it ...
Early Season Pest Problems
treatment. As the average plant height increases, taking an early harvest rather than applying a chemical ...
Cleaning Resolutions – Simple Solutions To Lighten The Load All Year Long
easily take on the job of vacuuming up crumbs after meals and food preparation. Control Central “Sweep” ...
Haylage in a Day?
to take maximum advantage of even a day of sunshine. If you are interested in getting a copy of the ...
OEFFA pre-conference workshop
Each participant will receive resources, including handouts and sample kits, to take home. For more ...