
Search results

  1. Properly Cleaning and Storing Respirators

    taking the time to put the respirator away, a worker tosses it on the dashboard of the truck. The truck ... is parked in a very sunny spot. A respirator is in an enclosed cab. The cartridge is inside the ... the shape. Keep the respirator in a cool, dry cabinet specifically designated for storage. Review The ...

  2. Getting the Most Return From Your Timber Sale

    with an offer to buy some of your timber, don't "jump too quickly." Taking time to find ... other purposes ranging from golf courses and parking lots to crop production and pastureland. The timber ...

  3. Drinking Water Regulations

    piped water for human consumption. Public water systems, by definition, serve at least 15 connections or ... districts and mobile home parks. Where people work —non-transient, non-community water systems, such as ... example, parks, motels, restaurants and churches. Very small Less than 250 people Small 250–3,299 people ...

  4. Ohio Phosphorus (P) Use by Crop Reporting District

    taking the fertilizer and manure P 2 O 5 applied and subtracting the calculated value of P 2 O 5 removed ...

  5. Battery Safety

    voltage. Be sure to park vehicles and turn off ignition when connecting cables. Identify the positive and ... jumper cables in the reverse order they were connected. Note: Never let the cable clamps connect when the ... should be between 80 and 32 degrees Fahrenheit. Don't make live connection directly to the battery. ...

  6. Home Buyer Education Virtual Workshop

    closing What it takes to be a successful homeowner About a down payment and closing cost assistance ...

  7. Urban Coyotes: Conflict and Management

    Wildlife Ecology and Extension Wildlife Specialist, School of Environment and Natural Resources Courtney ... urban parks inhabited with coyotes. Through predation on fawns, coyotes may also slow white-tailed deer ... urban coyotes have also learned to take advantage of human-related food such as pet food left outside ...

  8. Collecting and Submitting a Turfgrass Sample to the Plant and Pest Diagnostic Clinic

    fields, parks, commercial sites, and sod farms use a shovel, spade, or knife to collect the turf sample. ... a comparison of the healthy grass to the affected areas can be made. If you are taking a sample from a golf ... data (temperatures and rainfall), who is using the turf, symptoms, shape and size of the patches, ...

  9. Abnormal Ears in Corn—When and Why Do They Develop?

    blunt, silk-balled, incomplete kernel set, banana-shaped, zipper, tipped-back, multi-ears, barbell-ears, ... exhibit curvature along the cob shape with different degrees of damage (A, B, C). Husk leaves were removed ...

  10. Collecting and Submitting a Turfgrass Sample to the Plant and Pest Diagnostic Clinic

    residential lawns, athletic fields, parks, commercial sites, and sod farms, use a shovel, spade, or knife to ... grass and the infected grass. If you are taking a sample from a golf course, a cup cutter is an ... and rainfall), who is using the turf, symptoms, shape and size of the patches, amount or size of the ...
