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  1. Ohio Dairy Producers Spring Meeting

    Take charge of your future and join ODPA in the fight for pratical environmental standards. Attend ...

  2. Ohio State Opens New Research Center on Animal-Human Interaction

    interest in animal-human connections. The center’s research will focus on the conservation of wildlife, the ... giving the child oral directions on where to take the horse: straight, right, left. Both must listen to ...

  3. Morrow County BQA Training

    keep accurate breeding records How to accurately collect and record performance data Photo taking and ...

  4. Food Safety Training

    training is completed, you will take an in-person proctored certification exam at the OSU Extension, Miami ... session at least 2 weeks prior to the scheduled exam date. The online training will take you approximately ...

  5. Ohio State Organic Experts Among OEFFA Conference Speakers

    lineup at the  Ohio Ecological Food and Farm Association’s (OEFFA) 39th annual conference, Feb. 15-17 at ... equip farmers with the information they need” to take advantage of organic farming’s economic ...

  6. What will dicamba changes mean for farmers?

    An applicator must take special care to follow the additional label instructions, as going “off ... penalties. Producers should take care to assess the new dicamba labels closely when the manufacturers issue ... Legal Issues Surrounding Pesticide Use.” The webinar will take place on Wednesday, November 1 at Noon ...

  7. New Study Will Track Ways to Cut Runoff from Elevated Phosphorus Fields

    by Jay Martin, an ecological engineering professor with The Ohio State University’s  College of Food, ... their crops need. The excess doesn’t hurt the crops; the crops just don’t take it up. But sometimes the ...

  8. Southwestern Ohio Beekeeper School

    opens on January 15 th  and is capped at 350 attendees. It usually takes us about 10 days to reach ...

  9. Southern Ohio Specialty Crop Conference

    will receive a USB memory stick with copies of every available presentation to take home, so even if ...

  10. Blueberry Grower School

    This is the third post-season meeting for commercial blueberry growers in the region. Take some ...
