
Search results

  1. Collecting and Submitting a Turfgrass Sample to the Plant and Pest Diagnostic Clinic

    residential lawns, athletic fields, parks, commercial sites, and sod farms, use a shovel, spade, or knife to ... grass and the infected grass. If you are taking a sample from a golf course, a cup cutter is an ... and rainfall), who is using the turf, symptoms, shape and size of the patches, amount or size of the ...

  2. Identification and Management of Soilborne Diseases of Tomato

    HYG-3314 Agriculture and Natural Resources 12/04/2017 Anna L. Testen and Sally A. Miller Growers ... and Sclerotinia white mold. Symptoms Verticillium wilt: Distinctive V-shaped lesions form on the edges ... of leaves, with V-shaped dead tissue surrounded by a yellow halo (Figure 1). Plants wilt and have ...

  3. Northern House Mosquito

    Cycle and Habits  Biology Figure 3. Female Culex mosquito taking a blood meal from a human host. Photo: ... color (Figure 5). The egg rafts float on the surface of the water and can vary slightly in shape but are ... generally elongate oval or tear-drop shaped with the surface being slightly concave. Figure 4. Female Culex ...

  4. Day of Giving 2024: How Scholarships Change the Student Experience

    upbringing with shaping her into the woman she is today. Raising livestock from the very beginning and ... something scholarships have allowed her to take full advantage of. “Receiving scholarship funding has made ...

  5. Pruning Blueberry Bushes in the Home Garden

    training of blueberries is essential to maintain plant size, shape and productivity. In the first two years, ... several years. Mature bushes normally require more selective cuts to maintain a desired shape, plant ... rejuvenated to improve fruit production and maintain proper shape. This may require that several old canes be ...

  6. Ohio Commercial Pesticide Applicator Requirements: Who Needs a License and What Steps to Take

    schools, parks, golf courses, restaurants, food processing plants, medical facilities, and apartment ... commercial pesticide exams. You will need to take the commercial core exam and at least one category exam. ... in Ohio without taking the Ohio exam. Some recertification credits also may be reciprocal. Contact ...

  7. Shiitake Mushroom Production: Troubleshooting

    species used as well as the log size. Larger logs take longer to fully colonize and produce mushrooms. ... recommended rates and holes drilled farther apart than recommended can take longer to colonize. These factors ...

  8. Shiitake Mushroom Production: Steps to Cultivation and Considerations for Production

    completely colonized by mycelia (singular: mycelium). This process takes six months to two years. A mycelium ...

  9. Secondary Injury Prevention: Repetitive Motion

    pain." Pain in one area of the body may also radiate to other connecting parts. Pain from the wrist can ... support and strength, keeps the body moving, and protects internal organs. The bones, connected by joints, ... ligaments connect two or more bones, cartilages, or other structures. Any activity that wears away at this ...

  10. Shock Chlorination of Wells

    clean water and set aside if needed for cleanup. Connect a clean hose to a faucet in the system. Take ... water pools around the well and is funneled down the outside of the casing into the well.   Take these ... contamination. This process takes about a day to complete, so the home will be without water for 24 hours. The ...
