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  1. Fulbright Scholar Utilizes Technology to Explore Age-Old Problems

    always taking a picture when you want them to. They also can’t tell us where and how much time cattle ...

  2. Dairy Challenge Team

    Neal, Teresa Smith Hickory, NC Dr. Maurice Eastridge Gold 2012 Kevin Jacque, Melinda Miller, Emily ...

  3. Milk Prices, Costs of Nutrients, Margins, and Comparison of Feedstuffs Prices

    million head). Given the long lag time it takes for cow numbers to respond to milk prices, I would expect ... are already taking a toll on commodity prices. For alfalfa, prices have increased 5% since I wrote ...

  4. Little International

    ham and corned beef auction, awards presentations and announcing of the Steeb Award will take place in ...

  5. Dairy Policy and Milk Marketing

    I will assess what has happened over the last two months. First take a look at the chart below. This is ... prices connect to the Ohio Dairy Web 2004 and click on Cam's Price Outlook. ...

  6. Livestock Judging: Coach Reed

    Jerry Brown; David Ames; Gerald Miller; Don Isler; Jerry Berg; Dr. R.R. Reed, Coach 2nd High Team at The ...

  7. Feed Sales and Technical Support Manager

    proactively creating connections in key areas to increase company visibility and credibility • Work with ...

  8. Dr. Monique Pairis-Garcia named Distinguished Graduate Faculty Advisor

    Nebraska), to share our novel findings and gain critically important academic connections. She additionally ...

  9. Little International Ham and Corned Beef Curing Contest

    be done with Ron Cramer sometime between October 23-26. The judging will take place the week leading ...

  10. Midwest Poultry Consortium Awards Scholarships to Four Animal Sciences Students

    scholarships, combined, are valued at nearly $44,000! COE scholarships allow students to each take 9 credits of ...
