
Search results

  1. OSU CVM Parasitology Laboratory Assistant Internship

    experience to gain knowledge in the specialized topic of veterinary parasitology.  The department takes two ...

  2. Hundreds Participate in Miami MGVs New Horticulture Series

    they cannot wait to take what they’ve learned and apply it to their gardening practices at home,” says ...

  3. Interviewing

    hiring process. There are three simple steps that you can take to help you achieve a successful ... by potential employers. Practice – Find a way to take part in practice interviews, either at events ...

  4. Sheep Grazing/Forage Management Tour

    July 1st.  Check-in for the tour will begin at 8:30 am in the parking lot of the OSU Extension ...

  5. Experience OSU for a Day Hosts Needed

    Hosts are encouraged to take their shadow(s) to see various classrooms, the Oval, the Union, a room in ...

  6. Trellis Entrance

    Located near the northwest corner of the Agriculture Administration Building's parking lot, ...

  7. Wheat Field Day

    station. OARDC is the research arm of the college.   “It is my hope that wheat producers will be able to take ...

  8. CFAES Speed Networking Event

    open networking with snacks and beverages provided. This event will take place in Kottman Hall Lobby ...

  9. Ohio’s got hops — thanks to OARDC scientists

    annually. At 4 pounds of hops per barrel, that takes 4 million pounds of dried hops, which cost more than ...

  10. Shelby MGVs Are Spreading Buckeye Spirit

    District, with whom we work closely.  In 2015 we decided to take the necklace supplies left over from the ...
