
Search results

  1. Freedom Paws Assistance Dogs

    management. Interns will allowed to take a service dog home, but are not required to do so. Check out the ...

  2. Section I: Overview of Cost Recovery

    Extension's efforts, Extension will take steps to recover the full costs related to providing programs and ...

  3. A&P Staffing Guidelines

    another individual and consequences or implications of actions you take or mistakes you might make. More ...

  4. Nutrient Management Plan Development Workshop

    farm clientele. Nutrient management plans take soil fertility recommendations one step further and ...

  5. Recent Funding

    Research Scholar Award for $1000 from the Ohio State Undergraduate Research Office. The research will take ...

  6. Diagnosis of Vegetable Diseases and Improved Disease Management

    states where they are currently not known. Sally Miller, Vegetable Pathology; Nancy Taylor, C. Wayne ...

  7. Dr. Sheila Jacobi's Research Impacts Animal and Human Nutrition

    passion for agriculture and food production was something she grew up with, but did not really take hold ... of working cattle at the feedlot and taking samples to understand the molecular mechanisms of beef ...

  8. Communiqué February 13, 2013

    management situations. I have also been able to connect with several of the state specialist to coordinate ... The session will take place in room 214, Nationwide & Ohio Farm Bureau 4-H Center at 11:30 ... review and determine if it is appropriate for the review to take place. Here is the link for the guide. ...

  9. Plant Pathology

    Plant Pathology: Taking you further than you've ever imagined American Phytopathological ...

  10. National Pork Board 2017 Internships

    for the summer. • Application deadline is November 30, 2016. Interviews will take place in December ...
