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Cover Crop Forage Harvest Considerations
planning to use oats as stored forage, harvest will take place in the next few weeks, so the likelihood of ...
Stink Bug Management: 2019 Soybean Crop
To sample for stink bugs, take multiple 10-sweep samples with a sweep net in multiple locations ...
Vice President's Summit: Conversations on the Future of Extension
Extension as well as the role the organization should play in shaping and positively impacting Ohio and Ohio ...
Vice President's Summit: Conversations on the Future of Extension
Extension as well as the role the organization should play in shaping and positively impacting Ohio and Ohio ...
Beef 509 Dates Set
February 20 and Saturday, February 27, 2016. It will take place on two consecutive Saturdays in February ... together for each day of the program. The live animal evaluation, auction and grid discussion will take ...
Gratitude and Your Health
appreciate it. Like developing any routine, making gratitude a consistent practice may take time. Here are ... a few tips from AARP to get started: Celebrate your day before it begins. Before you get up, take ...
Take the Local Foods Challenge!
develop personal connections with the growers and producers to enjoy flavorful, safe, local food. Ohio ...
Food Safety: What You Can’t See Or Smell May Be Harmful
botulism. What do we know about this food born toxin? Botulism comes from a group of rod-shaped bacteria, ...
Set ‘Smart’ Goals For 2016
evaluate for what changes might be needed. When we are a work in progress taking time to re-evaluate is ... important. When we continually take in information without time to process it, to dissect it and absorb the ... you going to take the money from in your budget? Is it 2 cups of gourmet coffee or one fast food ...
Thank you for taking the time to answer these questions. Your name will not be attached to your outcome ...