
Search results

  1. CFAES Transcript Designation

    basic components: Education Abroad or International Student Status Taking a course related to your major ... circumstances such as Agriscience Ed students who are not able to take any additional courses their final year) ...

  2. JSPA Trainer Positions

    special events, and production work. Currently JSPA has contracts with the Sea World Parks in Florida, ...

  3. ASM 3330- Grain Handling, Drying, and Milling

    Looking to take a free or technical elective this spring? We are offering a new course in ...

  4. Meat Science Program and Meat Judging Team Hold a Meat Judging Clinic

    students/meat judgers serving others. At the same time, they understand what it takes to put one of these ... time, Ohio FFA and 4-H meat judging teams were also invited to take advantage of meat products to ... coming from an agricultural background take an interest in agriculture, they are one step ahead of the ...

  5. Energy Impacts Webinar Series

    haven't used Adobe Connect before, you may want to run a quick browser test prior to joining the webinars ...

  6. The Hire Big 10 Virtual Career Fair

    all majors and degrees. The career fair will take place on April 11. For more information or to ...

  7. Employers on Campus

    semester: ·         April 21 – 11a-2p: Ohio Ecological Food and Farm Association You can view the EOCs in ...

  8. Department Has Five 2019 CFAES Distinguished Seniors

    Welfare and Behavior Club. Taking on leadership roles as its secretary and vice president has allowed her ... farm in Nicaragua and connecting with the family, she pursued an opportunity to complete an independent ... in the industry,” Benage noted. “She connected with a nutritional immunologist to design and conduct ...

  9. Undergrad Lab Volunteer

    required to assist with the lab setup (anywhere from 11 am to 12:10 pm) and take down the labs (breakdown ...

  10. Experience OSU for a Day Hosts Needed!

    very flexible and can be adjusted to fit your schedule. Hosts are encouraged to take their shadow(s) to ...
