
Search results

  1. Are Stink Bugs Bugging Your Soybeans?

    shape, despite the smaller seed.  Therefore, it is important to scout early and control if ... necessary." Andy offers the following guidelines to sample in soybean fields for stink bugs.  Take multiple ...

  2. Farmland Rental and Lease Considerations

    crop yield potential Size (acres) of the parcel Shape of the parcel, does it lend itself to easy soil ...

  3. CFAES releases new brand guidelines

    Services in Wooster. A Web-based session will be offered July 26, also from 10 a.m. to noon. Connection ...

  4. Meals in the Field

    amounts of sugar and fat.      - Don’t skip meals, especially breakfast.      - Take a quick exercise ... not just a quick drink that won’t last long.  Taking a minute to plan ahead, will help more in the ...

  5. Small Grains Field Day

    opportunity to walk through research plots, take part in hands-on activities and view equipment ...

  6. EPA Proposes Big Changes to Pesticide Applicator Certification and Training

    example, Ohio pesticide applicators already take closed book exams, must recertify on a three-year ... required to take six units (one unit is defined as equal to 50 minutes) of core plus three (private) or six ... is now required to take five hours of recertification would have to attend twelve 50-minute sessions ...

  7. Combine Cleaning to Prevent Spread of Weeds

    for one minute.  It takes approximately 6 hours to truly and thoroughly remove this amount of ... material.   Barring some weather event that stops harvest, it is generally impractical to take this kind of ...

  8. Jan. 13th Beef Weigh-In Rescheduled to Jan. 20th

    will not be eligible for Wayne County Junior Fair participation. Members not present however must take ...

  9. Backup Plan

    video or take pictures throughout the house to help to document the items as well.  Check with your ... review your life insurance.  Unexpected death can put loved ones into an emergency state and taking care ...

  10. Cooking Matters

    about healthy eating Learn tricks to buy healthy food on a budget Take home free groceries after each ...
