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  1. CD Wire- May 15, 2012

    if necessary. Some of these programs pages are quite complex, so the process will take some time. ... Longaberger Golf Club in Nashport, Ohio. A pre-session on "Leasing 101" will take place from 8 to ...

  2. CD Weekly Wire- July 16, 2012

    the end of FY12 indicates we are continuing to take seriously the need to engage in cost recovery and ... you have such program funds, I encourage you to take responsibility for understanding how they can be ...

  3. The 1862-1890 Land Grant Connection, New Opportunities for Collaboration and Growth

    With the Passage of the 2014 Farm Bill, Central State University, a historically black college in lWilberforce, Ohio, became the nations newest 1890 Land Grant University, creating new challenges and opportunities for agricultural research and education i ...

  4. The 1862-1890 Land Grant Connection, New Opportunities for Collaboration and Growth

    With the Passage of the 2014 Farm Bill, Central State University, a historically black college in lWilberforce, Ohio, became the nations newest 1890 Land Grant University, creating new challenges and opportunities for agricultural research and education i ...

  5. CD Weekly Wire- October 1, 2012

    Affairs Leadership Forum- October 5: The 2012 Glenn School Leadership Forum, taking place Friday, October ... that will shape the future, highlighting Ohio State research that exemplifies how the university is ...

  6. CD Weekly Wire- April 30, 2012

    targets three discovery themes to shape our future research. These themes- health and wellness, food ...

  7. CD Wire- August 13, 2013

    Pittsburgh). Click  here  to register. Late registration ($550) will take place through September 1, after ... CFAES Comm Tech Social Media Workshops: Take advantage of one of the three remaining Social Media ...

  8. Cultural Connections Lunch and Learn (Chile)

    Experts from Chile will interact with Wooster campus staff, students, and faculty about Chilean culture, arts, heritage, and history. Earlier engagements were for countries including Mexico, Nigeria, India, and Lebanon (Facebook page) ...

  9. Cultural Connections Lunch and Learn (Chile)


  10. CD Weekly Wire- May 21, 2012

    CD WEEKLY WIRE May 21, 2012 AD Update: Greetings from the 2012 NACDEP Conference in Park City, ...
