
Search results

  1. Internships

    to real world situations as they connect theory with practice.  Students will acquire work related ... (student interning somewhere for the summer and not taking any additional classes at Ohio State), the ... course (e.g., student interning in the Autumn semester while taking a regular course load, or enrolled in ...

  2. You’re Hired!

    to make the most of the experience by working with your boss, taking initiative, resolving conflict, ...

  3. Wooster Campus Eclipse Planning

    to park anywhere except the public parking lots (see below). OSU personnel may exit at anytime via ... 8AM, public visitors will be allowed on-campus via the main Madison Avenue entrance with parking ... volunteers for the Science Day, parking, and help with logistics the day of the event.  Please contact our ...

  4. Department of Extension Faculty Promotion and Tenure

    Agricultural, and Environmental Sciences; the College of Education and Human Ecology; the College of Veterinary ...

  5. List of Scholarships

    Power and Motion Control. Turfgrass Equipment Management Scholarship   For students taking part in the ...

  6. Explore the Poles

    Where do penguins live? Is the Arctic really ALL ice? Take a close look at the Arctic and ... with hands-on activities, learn about related careers, and take an active role in protecting these ...

  7. Levels of Community Change Game

    hands-on game that applies the social ecological model to the pursuit of policy, system, and environmental ...

  8. Cultural Connections: Ethiopia

    Ethiopia-- 13 months of sunshine, featuring Debasu D. Gella, doctoral fellow and visiting scholar in the Vlasova Lab, Center for Food Animal Health ...

  9. Tracking Your Health and Fitness

    Take them by hand or with a fitness tracking device. No matter what you choose, you will come away with ...

  10. Photography Basics, Book 1

    and skill building. Topics include flash, black & white photography, and taking selfies! Access to ...
