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  1. Recent Human Milk Research Study Includes Animal Sciences Connection

    A recent paper that has generated national attention has an Animal Sciences connection. Dr. Joseph ...

  2. Caroline Grace Cotter Memorial Service

    invited. Please know that we are here to support you in whatever way we can; we encourage you to take care ...

  3. Grain Bin Entry Safety

    grain is crusted, break up crust from outside the bin with a long rod or stick before entering, taking ...

  4. 4-H Supports Hurricane Harvey Relief Efforts

    FFA Hurricane Harvey Relief Funds.  The Pie in the Face Auction will take place on Sunday September ...

  5. Young Scholars Nomination

    Science Young Scholars programs. Nominations are due October 30, 2015. Learn more at Taking Stock. ...

  6. Introductory Animal Sciences Laboratory Course Makes the Theoretical Relatable

    and management. Labs may take place at animal facilities, in Price Arena, or th e Meat Laboratory. “We ... Students were able to handle a cow’s preserved stomach and take and observe a rumen sample from ... Industries, and Veterinary Technology specializations are required to take the Introductory Animal Sciences ...

  7. Practice Good Grazing Management During the Summer

    rest period between grazing passes. The take half, leave half principle must be followed during the ... recover quicker.  Taking off 60% or more of the plant leaf area will cause a significant decrease in the ... mentioned. Maintaining this leaf residue provides the grass plant the best opportunity to take advantage of ...

  8. Alfalfa and Fall Rest Period

              The long-standing recommendation has been to take the last harvest of alfalfa by early ... in the fall carries more risk than taking a fourth or third cutting during the fall.           Soil ... a difference? If not, then try it this year.  Leave some strips that you don’t cut when you take a fall cutting ...

  9. Dr. Alejandro Relling's Research on Sheep Could Have Impacts for Humans

    a dairy farm for nine months and then take some classes at the university,” said Relling. “Taking those ...

  10. Ohio State Livestock Judging Team had a promising performance in Houston

    production, V8 Ranches in Wharton, Texas. The Houston Livestock Show and Rodeo at Reliant Park in Houston, ...
