
Search results

  1. Buckeye Dairy Club Held Annual Reception

    Springs, OH), and Senior – Rachel Park (Ravenna, OH). The Prestigious Member Award (includes $500 toward ...

  2. Animal Handling Course Allows Hands-On Introduction to Animal Behavior

    autumn 2017, take ANIMSCI 2000 Animal Handling. Cameron Hupp, a freshman from Lowell, Ohio, grew up ... is the lecture. Dr. Moeller does a great job of incorporating welfare into his lectures, connecting ... that I have spent little to no time with before, and learn the proper techniques to take care of them ...

  3. Ohio State Hosts Welfare Contest

    Sciences), Rachel Park (Psychology), Hannah Slykerman (Animal Sciences), Bradley Hogshead (Animal Sciences), ... overall for individuals. The team was composed of Rachel Park, Hannah Slykerman, and Bradley Hogshead ...

  4. Upload Your Market Hog Pictures in 4H Online

    system takes 3 photos and not the 4, we are working on that. The paper form will need to have all ...

  5. Agricultural Communication 5170

    Spring Semester, taught by Dr. Mary Rodriguez. In this course, students will take an interdisciplinary ...

  6. Animal Units Receive AAALAC Accreditation

    that would have indicated we needed to change or improve our practices.  We take animal welfare ...

  7. CHAIRE: Exploring The Animal/Human Bond

    a significant part of everyone’s lives. I believe there is an innate belief we need to connect with other ... species, and recognition that we need to understand that connection better.”   To learn more about CHAIRE ... and what those involved with the center are doing to better understand the connection between humans ...

  8. South Africa Study Abroad 2015

    Elephant Sanctuary, Kruger National Park, Moholoholo Rehabilitation Centre, Blyde River Canyon, and ...

  9. Chew On This Tour Friday, Oct. 11

    Fyffe Court Parking area. There is free food (pulled pork, french fries, etc) from 11-2 pm. The video ...

  10. Ohio State Reunion-Homecoming Weekend ...
