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  1. 2018 Ohio Pullorum Testing School

    Pullorum School Requirements The Ohio Poultry Association (official state agency, NPIP) and the Ohio Department of Agriculture are combining efforts to organize Pullorum-Fowl Typhoid plate agglutination tester training classes. Whether your certification ...

  2. 2018 Ohio Pullorum Testing School

    Pullorum School Requirements The Ohio Poultry Association (official state agency, NPIP) and the Ohio Department of Agriculture are combining efforts to organize Pullorum-Fowl Typhoid plate agglutination tester training classes. Whether your certification ...

  3. 4-H’ers On the Road to History and Government – Presidential Inauguration in Washington D.C.

    to take a road trip and live it? Maximum cost per participant is just $400 per person. Fee includes ...

  4. Ohio 4-H Dog Bowl Contest

    The primary objective of the Dog Bowl Contest is to provide an opportunity for youth involved in 4-H to demonstrate their knowledge of canine-related subject matter in a competitive setting where attitudes of friendliness and fairness prevail. The Dog Bow ...

  5. Dairy Science Hall of Service: 1970-1979

    characterize him as an outstanding individual. 1976 Kenneth Miller* Dairy farmer; editor; minister Born Feb. ...

  6. From Farm Gate to Dinner Plate

    From Farm Gate to Dinner Plate is a Mini 509 Workshop sponsored by the Ohio State University Department of Animal Sciences and Ohio 4-H Youth Development. The February 17th workshop will include, but not limited to, the following topics: Animal Welfare, F ...

  7. From Farm Gate to Dinner Plate

    From Farm Gate to Dinner Plate is a Mini 509 Workshop sponsored by the Ohio State University Department of Animal Sciences and Ohio 4-H Youth Development. The February 17th workshop will include, but not limited to, the following topics: Animal Welfare, F ...

  8. PetPALS Grooming

    groom and clean their pets before they take them on a 4-H PetPALS visit. Grooming may include bathing, ...

  9. 2018 Youth Poultry Clinic

    The 2018 Youth Poultry Clinic (formerly known as the Bi-State Youth Poultry Clinic) will be on Saturday, March 24, at Fisher Auditorium, OSU/OARDC, Wooster, Ohio. Topics presented include: Nutrition, Quality Assurance, Poultry Products/Processing, All Abo ...

  10. 1997 and Prior

    Franscisco Bans Pesticide Use in City Parks and Office, New Pesticide Applicatory Advisory Group, Cut Roses ...
