
Search results

  1. Little International Competition

    horse? Then the Little International showmanship competition is for you! Little will be taking place ...

  2. European Dairy Industry Study Abroad

    tour the Keukenhof, a park with many beautiful flowers, the week prior to its closing for the season. ...

  3. Spring Dean’s List

    Rachel Park Samantha Parsons Kayla Picker Jennifer Pietsch Britanie Poole Anna Powell Samuel Preston* ...

  4. Perfetti Van Melle Industry Information Session

    will be served starting at 5:00 pm and the information session will start at 5:30 pm. This event takes ...

  5. Sandridge Foods Industry Information Session

    takes place in Parker 118. ...

  6. Congratulations Mike Day!

    Story: ASAS Taking Stock or click through to July 9 Taking Stock Day earns Animal Physiology and ...

  7. Licking MGVs Grow for Food Pantry

    meals are prepared, any remaining produce goes into the food pantry for recipients to take home.  The ...

  8. Hundreds Participate in Miami MGVs New Horticulture Series

    they cannot wait to take what they’ve learned and apply it to their gardening practices at home,” says ...

  9. Interviewing

    hiring process. There are three simple steps that you can take to help you achieve a successful ... by potential employers. Practice – Find a way to take part in practice interviews, either at events ...

  10. OSU CVM Parasitology Laboratory Assistant Internship

    experience to gain knowledge in the specialized topic of veterinary parasitology.  The department takes two ...
