
Search results

  1. Note from David Civittolo

    annual retreat at Burr Oak State Park. And the week after that is the Urban Foods Symposium, which I know ... hosting this learning opportunity for your colleagues in urban foods. Take care, David   ...

  2. Battle for the Belt: Season 2, Episode 15 – Corn and Soybean Planting Date Responses

    Singh has been studying corn and soybean planting date in Michigan for the past six years. The main take ...

  3. Fireflies & Campfire with the UTBZ at the Wooster Memorial Park

    brought to you by Friends of Wooster Memorial Park ( and are open to the public. ... Event will begin at the Education Parking Area. Come prepared for the weather and to have a good time! ...

  4. Educator IV Application and Promotion to Tenure-Track Faculty Educator in the Department of Extension, Without a National Search

    merit increases that take place during the year.------------------------------------------- Approved by ...

  5. Note from David Civittolo

    friends and family – take in some fireworks, enjoy a cookout, and maybe make a trip to a nearby lake for ...

  6. EFNEP Mid-Year Conference Recap Video Shared

    annual mid-year conference that allowed them to connect, network, and learn from each other. Thank you, ...

  7. Explore Connect Collab to be held at OSU Piketon — June 25

    OSU South Centers in Piketon will host an Explore Connect Collab event on June 25 (10 a.m.-2 ...

  8. Weed Science Field Day

    Eugene Law, Assistant Professor, Weed Ecology: New Technology in Weed Science and Legacy Trials Ella ...

  9. Bruce A. McPheron, PhD

    microsatellite and mitochondrial DNA variability. Molecular Ecology 11: 891-899. Thomas, M. A., Walsh, K. A., ... insect herbivores and natural enemies. Annual Review of Ecology and Systematics 11: 41-65. Emeritus ... DNA variability. Molecular Ecology 11: 891-899. Thomas, M. A., Walsh, K. A., Wolf, M. R., McPheron, B. ...

  10. Southwest Ohio Corn Growers Field Day

    an exhibitor. At lunch, a drawing will take place for Corn and Wheat Grower members. The drawing ...
