
Search results

  1. Meet Kaylee Presnell: NASA Space Crop Production Intern

    Eventually I want to dive with sharks.”  In the meantime, Kaylee encourages her peers that it is ok to take ...

  2. Student Testimonials

    Management Student   Liz Schababerle, Ecological Engineer     Ira Kuenzli, Agricultural Engineering Student ...

  3. Whole Cow’s Milk to Aid in Infant Formula Shortage

    and it will help the gut of the child adjust to the new digestion that will need to take place. It is ...

  4. Ecological Engineering

    Ecological engineering focuses on the design and restoration of natural ecosystems for societal ... and environmental benefits. Students who study ecological engineering may choose to focus on the ... development, and management of ecosystems. Students who specialize in ecological engineering combine basics of ...

  5. Frederick C. Michel Jr.

    plastics and pathogens and understanding the effects of composts on the microbial ecology of soils and ...

  6. Alumni

    alumni family? Check out our resources below to help you stay connected.  Join an Alumni Group CFAES ...

  7. Wetlands Director Eyes New Water

    H. Schiermeier Olentangy River Wetland Research Park, Mitsch was delighted last week as students from ... a civil engineering class presented plans for a boat dock that would connect the wetlands, situated just ... needed electricity. Walkways would connect the floating dock with the wetlands center and nearby city ...

  8. USDA ERS Dairy Outlook: May 2022

    a recall of certain powder produced domestically.  USDA is encouraging states to take advantage of ...

  9. Face-to-Face Again with the 2021 Ohio Dairy Challenge

    the OSU Columbus campus. The second placed team consisted of Kaci McMullen, Leah Miller, Rachel ...

  10. Cooking With Kids Program- Dragons Love Tacos

    supplies, and take-home souvenir) No Refunds Registration: Please call ...
