
Search results

  1. Poison hemlock (Conium maculatum)

    purple spotted. Flower: Flowers are small, white, and borne in umbrella-shaped cluster about 3" ...

  2. Musk thistle (Carduus nutans)

    Multi branched spiny stems 1.5'-6' tall. Flower: Large disk-shaped showy red-purple flower ...

  3. Solar Eclipse Information and Viewing Guidelines

    minutes of darkness. The eclipse will take about 2.5 hours. The moon will begin to pass in front of the ... approval logo can be counterfeited. Activities taking place on OSU Wooster Campus include the Bug Zoo and ...

  4. Gift cements collaborative alliance in wetland, waterfowl, and wildlife ecology

    opportunities in wetland, waterfowl, and wildlife ecology. The gift establishes the Winous Point Wetlands and ... wildlife ecology,” said Tim Haab, interim director of Ohio State’s SENR. “This investment will position us ...

  5. CFAES dean recognized in celebration of Women’s History Month

    about who I am and prove that credibility, but I don’t focus on it, which allows me to take leaps. ...

  6. Bedtime or go time? Observing what animals do during a total solar eclipse

    Scientists from The Ohio State University and the Columbus Zoo and Aquarium are taking advantage of the rare ...

  7. Session One: Earth 101

    implement easy, eco-friendly ideas in your home, yard, and community. All workshops will take place at the ... Activity Center at Kingswood Park in Deerfield Township (located at 4188 Irwin Simpson Road, Mason, OH ... transform your yard into a sustainable, ecologically friendly space that is not only beautiful, but also ...

  8. Pesticide & Fertilizer Recertification Courses for Wayne & Holmes Counties

    Osu Extension – 330.264.8722   February 9, 2024 (Friday) Drake Park 352 Greeley St., West Salem, OH ...

  9. With The Time Change, Consider Tossing Habits That Inhibit Good Night's Sleep

    phones away from the table during mealtime.  Take walks outside with conversation, not texting.  ... Taking the time to move every 30 minutes is another encouragement and working from home it’s easy to lose ... children, take a walk, play ball or while they are at their events use the time to walk with another parent ...

  10. April 10, 2024- New Applicator Training- Webinar

    water courses, utility rights-of-way, or in close proximity to industrial sites, power stations, parking ... apply for your license before taking this course.   You must pass the core test and at least one ...
