
Search results

  1. Japanese Millet as a Cover Crop in Ohio

    A can be found in Ohio’s Field Office Technical Guide, Section 4, Ecological Sciences Tools: ...

  2. Role of Soil Bacteria

    Classification Most bacteria are classified into one of the following four categories.   Bacteria shape When ... scientists started first classifying bacteria, they started by looking at their basic shape. Bacteria ... generally have three major shapes: rod, sphere or spiral. Actinomycetes are still classified as bacteria but ...

  3. Salmonella in Fresh Produce

    ANR-62 Agriculture and Natural Resources 04/27/2018 Loïc Deblais, Sally Miller, and Gireesh ... hospitalizations and deaths in the United States (CDC report, 2016). Salmonella  is a rod-shaped enteric bacterium ... takes minimum two days before confirmation of the results and requires a pure culture of the bacterial ...

  4. Selecting, Storing, and Serving Ohio Melons

    for a fun children’s snack. Use cookie cutters to cut shapes out of a ½–¾ inch thick slice of ...

  5. Communication Strategies to Support a Family Member with Diabetes

    James S. Bates Helping a family member take care of his or her diabetes can be extremely frustrating, ... eating, physical activity, taking medications, checking blood sugars, and even accepting a diabetes ... consequences of inaction (Steinberg & Miller, 2015). Ask the person with diabetes open-ended questions ...

  6. Radish as a Cover Crop in Ohio

    Technical Guide, Section 4, Ecological Sciences Tools: ...

  7. Forage Turnip as a Cover Crop in Ohio

    Field Office Technical Guide, Section 4, Ecological Sciences Tools: ...

  8. Special Improvement District: A Tool for Targeting Investment

    parking lots, to holiday lighting, landscaping, and snow removal. They are financed via a special ... Districts and the Shape of American Cities. Albany: State University of New York Press. ...

  9. Red Clover as a Cover Crop in Ohio

    4, Ecological Sciences Tools: ...

  10. Crimson Clover as a Cover Crop in Ohio

    Field Office Technical Guide, Section 4, Ecological Sciences Tools: ...
