
Search results

  1. CFAES names its Distinguished Professors

    initiative including faculty in the Colleges of Education and Human Ecology, Medicine, Veterinary Medicine, ...

  2. How to Apply

    beginning the application process, persons interested in the program should take note of the following ... following the December 1 deadline. The review process is detailed and takes some time for all faculty to be ...

  3. Latest innovations to be shared at Farm Science Review

    communications options for connecting these devices. “We are beginning to see autonomy product offerings that ... is one example and performs its duties without an operator in the cab. “They are internet connected ... ability to follow planter passes regardless of the shape and size of the field. The irrigator follows and ...

  4. Ohio State ATI adds new certificate program

    Students enrolled in the certificate program will take classes in the feeding and nutrition of horses, ...

  5. Belonging and Connection

    There are many ways for students to get connected on campus. Research has shown the importance ot ... retention. Joining a student organization or an intramural team are two ways in which you can connect with ...

  6. CFAES Alumni Award Recipients

    Education) 1992 Donald L. Noah (Agricultural Education) 1991 Darrell L. Parks (Agricultural Education) 1990 ... Rudd (Agricultural Education) 1996 Jeffrey P. Miller (Agricultural Education) Jeannette R Keywood ...

  7. Harvesting Holiday Knowledge

    enjoying the holiday spirit. How to cook a Turkey Are you ready to take on the title of "turkey ...

  8. Budgeting tips for winter holiday spending

    reasonable expectations. Take a look at your monthly budget, decide how much you can really spend on those ... requires no money spent at all, such as watching a holiday movie together or taking a festive holiday walk. ... Take advantage of preholiday sales and free delivery while online shipping. Lastly, focus on what’s ...

  9. Finding Connections on Campus

    Finding friends and making connections are an integral part of your collegiate experience. ... have higher levels of motivation.  There are several ways you can make new friends and connections at ...

  10. Belonging and Connection

    Finding friends and making connections are an integral part of your collegiate experience. ... have higher levels of motivation.  There are several ways you can make new friends and connections at ...
