
Search results

  1. Safe Use Of Flammable Liquids

    a static spark. There must be a conductive connection between the receiving container, dispensing ... container, the container should have a solid connection between the tank or barrel and the container. Using ... containers by a red diamond shape label with black lettering. Review the Following Points Flammables should ...

  2. Western Ohio Cropland Values and Cash Rents 2013-14

    productivity and potential crop return, the variability of those crop returns, field size, field shape ... bid for cash rents. Good road access will generally enhance cash rent amounts. Shape of Fields: Square ...

  3. Western Ohio Cropland Values and Cash Rents 2017-18

    values and cash rents are field size and shape, population density, ease of access, market access, local ... typically command higher average cash rent per acre due to the efficiencies gained by operators. Shape of ...

  4. Chestnut Anthracnose

    PLPATH-FRU-0051 Agriculture and Natural Resources 10/27/2022 Amy Miller, Graduate Research ... incidence. Based on data from field trials conducted in Ohio from 2019 to 2021 (Miller and Lewis Ivey 2022). ... start to sprout in February–April of the year following harvest. For Further Reading Miller, Amy, Diane ...

  5. Using Local Woodlot Lumber

    When air-drying alone, lumber can take several years to get to a 15%–20% moisture content depending on ... purchased at wholesale prices if you order in bulk, or you can take your lumber to one of several custom dry ... allow the woodworker or builder to take advantage of interesting colors, grain patterns, and other ...

  6. Preschool: Holiday Stress Busters for Big and Little People

    such as cleaning, baking, and shopping need to be done. Take a look at your family's holiday ... and put in the freezer for a quick meal on a busy day. Take a few minutes each day for yourself and do ... cookies, trimming the tree, caroling, or taking a drive to see the local light displays. For more ...

  7. Kindergarten: Holiday Stress Busters for Big and Little People

    such as cleaning, baking, and shopping need to be done. Take a look at your family's holiday ... and put in the freezer for a quick meal on a busy day. Take a few minutes each day for yourself and do ... cookies, trimming the tree, caroling, or taking a drive to see the local light displays. For more ...

  8. 3.5 Acre Research Lake

    visitors can find an abundance of wildlife taking refuge in and around this habitat. This is a perfect ...

  9. Using the Tree Measuring Stick

    it is a good idea to take two measurements perpendicular to each other and average them. Figure 1. ... that trees are often not perfectly round. Be sure to take two measurements perpendicular to each other, ... foot hits the ground. Determine the number of paces that it takes to cover the 66-foot distance. Repeat ...

  10. Virtual Volunteer Info Session

    park on campus, and more. We require all new volunteers to attend- or watch the recording of- this ...
