
Search results

  1. SKY Happiness Retreat

    and increase social connection and leadership skills. The SKY Happiness Retreat introduces SKY ... evidence-based meditation. It's one of the coolest places to connect with yourself, make awesome friends, ...

  2. CFAES Livestock Judging Team Reunion

    the future of the program. This event will take place on Friday, Oct. 8, 2021, at the Kunz-Brundige ...

  3. Desert Pines Equine Internship

    oppurtuinity to take the skills you’ve learned in the classroom and apply them in the real world with the support ...

  4. Lactation Physiology Graduate Student Position

    how offspring development, health, and performance are shaped by early-life experiences. Research ...

  5. Costa Rica: Service Learning

    witness the education that takes place at EARTH and prepare for their service-learning projects. The ... projects take place in a partner community that EARTH is assisting through development efforts and includes ... around the world.  The program will also visit Cahuita National Park, a 2,711-acre national park with ...

  6. CFAES- Experience Ohio State for a Day Hosts Needed

    about 1 p.m. for 3 to 4 weekdays total each semester. Hosts are encouraged to take students to see ...

  7. US Cellular Agriculture Hackathon Application

    GFI, and will take place in January. Applications are open until November 1st, 2021.  All ...

  8. SKY Happiness Retreat

    connection.    We're happy to share that the SKY Happiness Retreat is offered with a  full scholarship for ...

  9. Scholarship Recipients 2013

    America Agricultural and Human Ecology Fund- Meagan Bolen Wayne and Jane Dalton Scholarship Fund- Sarah ... Meaghan Bari, Jessica Boggs, Bradley Hogshead, Hillary Kelly, Jessica Park, Timothy Sherer, Ethan Smrtnik, ... Swarzwelder, Jacquelyn Sherry James R. Miller Agriculture Scholarship Fund- Chasity Traxler Bill Newland ...

  10. Hameau Farm Camp Counselor

    director, is a very well-connected farmer and a fabulous professional reference for future positions. All ...
