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  1. Ending Global Hunger Colloquium

    emanates from our alumnus Neil Armstrong’s enduring words. We intend for this colloquium to take another ...

  2. China Gateway

    State to foster connections and facilitate opportunities for students, researchers, alumni and partner. ...

  3. Tanzanian Genomics Researcher Studies Plant DNA's Hidden Solutions

    Laboratories under Prof.  Sally Miller. At MCIC I learned several applications involved in genomics and ...

  4. What to do with Stimulus Money

    grow, thrive and contribute.   To be connected to the Area Agency on Aging serving your community call ...

  5. Ohio Youth Institute 2018

    discussions with statewide experts; Connect with other student leaders from across Ohio to share ideas, ...

  6. Local Foods

    agriculture in rural and urban areas offer plenty of opportunity for anyone interested in making connections ...

  7. Ferdous-e-Elahi: Enhancing Food Security in Bangladesh

    Agricultural Research Institute (BARI) and a 3rd year Ph.D. student of Dr. Sally Miller in the Department of ... alleviation. I also want to acknowledge my professor, Dr. Sally Miller, and my lab mates and friends who’ve ...

  8. Using Mindfulness Practices During COVID-19 Pandemic

    takes time and practice. Please consider listening to a download for a few times before you decide it’s ...

  9. ECHO International Agriculture Conference 2015

    offers an open exchange of information, connecting the people and ideas that can make a real and ...

  10. $10 Ohio Local Foods Week Challenge

    consider where their food was grown or raised and make an effort to develop personal connections with ...
