
Search results

  1. Is It Too Early to Apply N to Wheat?- Yes

    green-up. Why take the risk, just wait until green-up; the wheat does not need most of the N until April and ...

  2. Communiqué April 1, 2015

    Ohio State University. Day 1 Orientation takes place every other Monday, and the 2015 dates can be ... Drupal training sessions in 2015 for the Extension county websites. Carmen Connect is not conducive to ... free to attend and open to the public. It will take place just before the Patterson Lecture. To RSVP, ...

  3. C.O.R.N. Newsletter 2009-02

    Woodville OH 419-849-2711 Miller Seed Farm Attica OH 419-426-1791 Porter Hybrid Inc. Wilmington OH ...

  4. Fields are starting to turn a golden yellow – last chance to grab some data

    resistance will save you stand throughout the season. Taking the time to assess stands and final crop health ...

  5. C.O.R.N. Newsletter 2011-18

    Along with head scab, take-all, hail, frost, flooding, and injuries caused by insects (wheat stem ... flood damage, wheat stem maggot injury, or take-all disease, completely bleached heads are usually borne ... flooding or take-all, where all heads in certain sections of the field or even entire the field may be ...

  6. How reliable will this year's test plot data be?

    very useful but take precautions. Results from single on-farm strip tests should not be used to make ...

  7. When is the Best Time to Apply N to Wheat

    green-up. Why take the risk, just wait until green-up; the wheat does not need most of the N until April and ...

  8. Now is the Time to Check Your Nozzles

    Typically, we take into account many important factors including: sprayer operation parameters (such as ...

  9. Communiqué January 30, 2013

    can be motivators or de-motivators for yourself, your peers, and others you connect with through your ... author, speaker, entrepreneur “The power behind taking responsibility for your actions lies in putting an ... seeking a fall review and determine if it is appropriate for the review to take place. Back to Top ...

  10. C.O.R.N. Newsletter 2009-31

    There are several suggested measures one should take to reduce slow-downs during harvest, protect ... boxes for wear and proper lubrication. Check electrical systems for corroded connections and frayed ... trained, experienced, licensed applicators. Another measure one might take to reduce the chance of insect ...
