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Environmental Film Series- Sonic Sea
David Hanselmann ( or 614-247-1908) Synopsis: Take a stand against ocean noise. ... the impacts of ocean noise if we take action now. Executive Summary, 15 page Sonic Sea Impacts of ...
Divya Gupta's Graduate Exit Seminar
economic variables that shape and influence the formulation of rules and enforcement mechanisms. The study ...
Climate Change, Resilience, and Adaptation in Bangladesh
become a global concern, especially since the international forums’ urge to take immediate collaborative ... of problems due to their gender identity. Government of Bangladesh and her people have been taking ... Lack of integration in taking initiatives combining climate change and disaster related crises. Urgent ...
Seminar: Origin, domestication, evolution and differentiation of maize
domesticated? Where did maize domestication take place, once or several times? How did it diffuse ...
Five Faculty Advising Forums Offered to SENR Undergraduates
an opportunity to connect with multiple faculty from your field, all in the same place! Plus, ...
ESGP Seminar: Comparing Renewable and Nonrenewable Energy Options for Generating Electricity
a video connection to 121 Fisher in Wooster. ...
Stone Lab Guest Lecture Series & Research Brief
Professor with FABE will present the Research Brief: Novel Approaches for Restoring Ecological Function to ...
Once they start composting, people find other ways to be “green”
practices, such as taking shorter showers, according to a study led by Nicole Sintov, an assistant professor ...
Recruit Ohio 2013 Alumni Career Fair
Archie M. Griffin Grand Ballroom East 1739 N. High St. Columbus, OH 43210 Directions and Parking ...
Graduate Exit Seminar- Matthew Barnett
conservation behaviors (such as taking fewer or shorter showers) were associated with lower use. Meanwhile, ...