
Search results

  1. The Meating: A Regional Meat Marketing and Processing Summit- VIRTUAL

    outlook into the next year of meat processing and marketing in Ohio. Connect with Resource Providers! OSU ... of Meat Processors Ohio Ecological Food and Farm Association  OSU Extension Direct Ag Marketing Team ...

  2. NPR Interviews Dr. Joyce Chen on the Impact of the Coronavirus Pandemic on the Careers of Women

    pause her career in order to take care of the needs of her family. The pandemic has also caused her to ... careers on the backburner in order to take care of their homes and families during this unprecedented ... time. However, for highly educated, high-income women, taking a pause like this can have severe impacts ...

  3. Join us for the 2019 Study Tour of Stone Laboratory

    Take Miller Ferry to Island 9:30 am Load Bus to OSU Campus 10:00 am Tour of Stone Laboratory 11:00 am ... Visitors Center 3:30 pm Load Buses Back to Ferry 4:00 pm Take Miller Ferry to Mainland Location: Meet at ...

  4. Migrant Farm Laborers Harder and Harder to Get

    paperwork that takes time away from running their businesses, Filbrun said. Part of the solution to the ...

  5. Ohio Ecological Food and Farm Annual Conference

    Onling registration is closed but walk-ins are welcome February 16th and 17th. For more information, follow the link provided.  ...

  6. Reducing the Environmental Impact of Cows' Waste

    the unglamorous role of taking samples from the stomachs of cows, generally chunky and smelly, and ...

  7. CFAES Office of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Welcomes Dr. Patrice Dickerson

    unique cultural perspectives. She will also connect with CFAES faculty, staff, and students who do work ...

  8. Does the creation of pocket prairies improve the conservation value of urban vacant land for ant communities?

    biodiversity and ecosystem services. Nevertheless, urban soil quality has been shaped by decades of heavy metal ... chose ants because of their ecological value as biological indicators. We compared pocket prairie ant ...

  9. Introduction to Tableau for Data Visualization (Workshop)

    interface and learn how to import and connect data to Tableau itself. Explore how to quickly visualize data ... titles, axis titles, colors, marks and shapes, and more. Export your Tableau visualization for use in ...

  10. CFAES Appoints Dr. Kathy Lechman as Assistant Dean and Director of Diversity, Equity and Inclusion

    her Ph.D. in 2015 from the College of Education and Human Ecology where her dissertation focused on ...
