
Search results

  1. Healthy Choices Start At Home When Packing Lunches

    skill that will help them save money as they become more independent. If possible, take your children to ... really invested, give them so much money to stretch to make the lunches for the week.  Take time in the ... grow it will be easier to let them take the responsibility for their own meals.  Let them watch you ...

  2. Life Is About Dealing With What We Are Dealt; Sometimes It's No Fun

    Be a “splicer.”  When life’s challenges create a struggle, we need to take care of ourselves. While ...

  3. Back to School Bash

    student organization tables for our new students to connect with and find their fit ...

  4. Check Out These Common Weed Invaders With A Pretty Yellow Glow

    blooms around this time of year, so you need to take a closer look to know what you are dealing with. ... not the ray and disk shapes characteristic of asters. Leaves are compound, pinnate and lobed, forming ... cycle, leaf size and shape and growth habit can lead you to a more accurate ID and better management in ...

  5. Fair Time Is Around The Corner

    traffic route will be noted in the Link, so be sure to take note of that. Something else that will help ... with the animal while the driver parks the car.  Depending on the specie you may need additional online ...

  6. ANR Retreat

    County with Punderson Manor State Park Lodge, 11755 Kinsman Rd., Newbury, OH 44065 ... tax, local bed tax and park beautification tax (sales tax exempt if paying with an OSU PCard but bring ... learn about NE Ohio Agriculture and Natural Resources, connect with new/newer ANR Extension faculty and ...

  7. Studies Map the Positive Impacts of Nature On Health and Wellness

    stress hormone cortisol and helping us live longer. Many mental and physical perks to taking a nature ... a connection with mountains. The important thing is to work it into their schedule so that they get that ... the educators have created to distribute to communities and parks. “As you spend more and more time in ...

  8. National Relaxation Day Provides A Healthy List Of Reasons To Relax

    take time to relax.  There’s a fair amount of research that supports taking some “me-time.”  For some ... it may be reading or taking a walk, for others it could be catching up with friends or getting ... has been shown to keep our hearts in regular rhythm.  Stress takes a toll on our hearts and an intense ...

  9. Tomato Diseases and What To Look For

    slightly raised and enlarged Older spots are shaped irregular, light brown to black in color, and slightly ...

  10. FCS All Healthy Teams Meeting

    daily lives. If we understand what stresses us out and how our bodies prepare for stress, we can take ...
