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  1. 12th Annual Stinner Summit- Save the Date!

    attendees A springboard for ideas, projects, and connections that can be carried into other aspects of your ...

  2. Prothonotary Warbler draws faculty member to Panama

    Chris Tonra, an assistant professor of Avian Ecology in the School of Environment and Natural ... a Virginia Commonwealth University program focused on bird ecology and conservation of coastal mangrove ...

  3. Ohio Wetlands Association's Vernal Pool Expedition

    to the parking area. The Ohio Wetlands Association offers this guided field trips.  ...

  4. Shelby Weiss' Graduate Defense Seminar

    Social and Ecological Aspects of Managing Wildlife in Fire-dependent Forested Ecosystems. This seminar ...

  5. Ramsar

    recognized for their unique and diverse ecological importance. The Ramsar List of Wetlands of International ...

  6. Bucks for Charity – How Do You Show You Care?

    Through Bucks for Charity you can choose from nearly 1,000 statewide nonprofit organizations that make a difference in areas such as food security, health services, animal welfare, education, advocacy programs or environment. ...

  7. Stone Lab Guest Lecture: Conservation at the Toledo Zoo

    geothermal laboratory Jim Hood, Assistant Professor, Department of Evolution, Ecology & Organismal ...

  8. Lessons from the Extinction of the Passenger Pigeon (Ectopistes migratorius) a Century Ago

    Ornithologists’ Union. He has a bachelors’ degree in wildlife ecology from the University of Wisconsin and ... a masters and doctorate in ecology from the University of Minnesota. Dr. Blockstein has conducted research ...

  9. TWEL Aaron Boone Thesis

    interactions and migratory connectivity in migratory songbirds, but little research has addressed interactions ... wintering ecology of Magnolia Warblers. Additional information is needed to understand how winter habitat ...

  10. FEREL Thesis & Dissertations

    Appalachian riparian forests affected by hemlock woolly adelgid. Holmes, K.L. 2008. The ecology and management ...
