
Search results

  1. Spring Dean’s List

    Rachel Park Samantha Parsons Kayla Picker Jennifer Pietsch Britanie Poole Anna Powell Samuel Preston* ...

  2. Cover Crop Termination Before Planting

    plant.  Sunny days are better than cloudy days to make the application.  Growers who take a forage harvest ...

  3. Dairy Youth Program Updates

    posters! IF I have created some interest, please take time to peruse your scrapbooks and boxes of vintage ... morning.  Various workshops and sessions will take place in the afternoon outlined around content for three ...

  4. Importance of Collecting Good Milk Samples

      Procedure to collect Aseptic Cow Milk Samples- The correct steps for taking composite sterile milk samples ... teat end. Take the sample – tube should be held at an angle to avoid debris and care should be ...

  5. Congratulations Mike Day!

    Story: ASAS Taking Stock or click through to July 9 Taking Stock Day earns Animal Physiology and ...

  6. Graduation Party Prep

    the party.  Trade  with someone to watch the food line, take pictures, wash dishes or just to keep an ...

  7. Planning for the Future of Your Farm

    work and conversations that should take place between the two sessions that will help move the farm ...

  8. Planning for the Future of Your Farm

    work and conversations that should take place between the two sessions that will help move the farm ...

  9. European Dairy Industry Study Abroad

    tour the Keukenhof, a park with many beautiful flowers, the week prior to its closing for the season. ...

  10. Update on Dairy Youth Programs

    please do so at  This program takes place because of Ohio 4-H grants, loyal ...
