
Search results

  1. Dairy Youth Compete in Events During the Ohio State Fair

    age division. Taking home top honors in the Dairy Skillathon included (Pictures 1 and 2): Morgan ... Gress from Wayne Co. Picture 1. Taking home top honors overall in the 2006 Dairy Skillathon was Sherri ...

  2. Summer 4-H Projects And Activities Engage Youth In Experiential Learning

    Animal, and Gardening Project Judging will take place on August 11 th at the Wayne County Fairgrounds. In ...

  3. Plan Now for Frost Seeding Renovation

    will be necessary to do either a quick “flash” grazing pass to take off the top of the grass plants and ...

  4. Canning Preparation

    on your range and how quickly the pressure rises in the canner.  *Take inventory of how much food you ...

  5. In the News

    more about the rankings... The Ohio State University Livestock Judging Camp will take place June 8-10. ... to compete in Europe. Funding begins for new Appreciation Clubs. ASAS Taking Stock. Alumnus Dr. Terry ...

  6. Buckeye Royal Showmanship Contest

    The contest will take place on Sunday, October 9th at 2 PM.  Participants will be given the ...

  7. OSU Waterman Dairy Farm

    level of accountability and take on the role of student managers. Additional information can be found on ...

  8. Night for Young Professionals

    you for the professional world. Take advantage of this opportunity to pass up your competition and get ...

  9. Ohio Sheep and Wool Program and Ohio Sheep Improvement Association promotes a Growing Sheep Industry

    are hopeful that with these type of Starter Flock/Mentoring programs that we can connect young people ...

  10. Wayne County Dairy Farm Manure Storage Survey

    front and back) and should take most farms no more than 10 to 15 minutes to complete.  The survey will ... Dairy farmers are encouraged by survey project partners to take the time to fill out the survey and mail ...
